Tuesday 3 February 2015

2015 Itinerary BC & USA

It's been a long winter in hibernation, and even with typhoons hitting the west coast here on Vancouver Island, with more on the way, it feels like spring is coming and the hills are calling!

To start off with, I will not be doing my Master's in Lancaster as I always hoped. Family life here in Qualicum Beach is just too damn good to move away, so I have decided to stay home, and will also NOT be coaching in Ireland this summer, for the first time in four years. The plan is to do my Masters in GIS Applications, which will involve improving my seismic hazard maps for the Island as well as solving the morphologic question left by the Chekamus Valley columnar basalts (that appear to have formed as an esker underneath a glacier). A professor and I are also working on publishing some work I did in my undergraduate on spatial congruence, so it's an exciting year ahead!

This year will also involve several trips, and here are the posts to look forward in 2015:

Mount Saint Helens - Washington State, USA
Columbia River Basalts (columns) - Washington State, USA
Mount Edziza/Nisga'a Lava Beds - Northern BC

Garibaldi Provincial Park - Black Tusk and Table Mountain - Southwestern BC

There will also hopefully be a few conferences, non-volcano-related trips to other interesting geology in the local area, and some more horseback archery. Oh, yes.

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